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Father observes his son eating without table manners and slaps him.
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A raccoon at the beach steals a potato chip bag from a person's belongings and runs away with it in its mouth before stopping to eat some of the chips that fell out of the bag. A person takes the bag away from the raccoon as it eats.
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“Choco” is a 4-year old boy. His owner told us that he is very smart and practical about whether his owner has his snack or not. He will never do the tricks for anything since he was little.
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Guy runs inside with tray of hot dogs he was grilling, during hail storm.
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A regular car has a large amount of boxes strapped to the top of it to haul materials for a DIY mover.
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Guy moans when licking his ice cream and scares employes and customers at the shop.
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Mi Xiang is a traditional Taiwanese (and probably Chinese) snack. It's basically puffed rice that has had a variety of flavors added.
Puffed-rice Cake is a traditional food in Taiwan. Although the cake is no longer as popular as before, it can sometimes be found in night markets. The ingredients are rice, malt syrup, and other grains. Puffed-rice cake tastes as crispy as popcorn, but the flavor is a little different. Think of a Rice Krispy Bar but without all the sugar.
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A middle-aged man test riding a motorcycle with a cigarette in his mouth and no helmet loses control and accidentally smashes into a picnic table loaded with plates and food. He flies over the top of it and everything comes crashing down. He doesn't appear injured and is helped up by bystanders.
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A fork appears to be suspended in mid air over a plate of food as a man eats with an invisible guest.
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A man is standing in a kitchen making a bowl of food when someone comes up behind him and shoots him with a dart gun that hits him in the face as he turns around and he drops the food and tells them they are going to clean it up.
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When an elevator broke in a high rise building, a food delivery guy used a construction cables and carabiniere to deliver food through window.
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For a donut eating competition, one participant stacks the donuts and squishes them down flat in order to eat them quicker.
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A guy is laughing in the kitchen as it is reveal a giant ball of deli turkey meat was accidentally bought at the grocery store instead of a roast turkey.
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Guy was filmed putting a burger in his pocket, instead of his phone when leaving a food court in a mall.
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A woman is squatting in front of a refrigerator tries to open a jar of pickles, when she falls backward, dumping the pickles and pickle juice all over her own face.
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