Video Licensing
Our fully licensed library of thousands of user-generated videos will fit your content needs in a variety of categories cleared for broadcast and digital use. Start searching for free here or create an account to create playlists of exciting, moving content including comedy, pranks, pets and animal fun, paranormal, sports, news and once in a lifetime caught on camera moments.
Rights Management
We work with a wide variety of short form and long form video content creators, providing video to a range of clients in television, film, commercials and digital media around the world. Video creators; Launchpad Entertainment will help you monetize your content on social media platforms as we place your video for use with our media partners. Gain passive income and IP protection with experienced video licensing professionals.
Research Services
Hire our team to provide contracting and licensing services to source, curate and license User-Generated Video for your campaign, brand or production needs, with a quick turn-around. With over 10 years of experience our international staff of dedicated project researchers, who have sourced thousands of videos, can provide you with highly sought after and unique video content to fit any project.
With a staff of experienced television producers, viral video creators and media executives we produce content that is at the forefront of entertainment, from made for mobile content to packaged shows for television and web to integrated branded programing. We utilize our production team’s in-house resources including edit bays, sound design and a green screen studio to produce quality engaging content to fit our clients’ needs.
Our content is viral and loved across the internet!
© Copyright Launchpad Entertainment, LLC. 2025. All rights reserved.