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A worker tries to resume his tasks, but a feisty white rooster takes issue with him and aggressively charges. The man attempts to shoo the bird away with his foot, only to make it angrier as it tries to jump on him.
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As a train arrives to a station, a pantograph short circuits, sending a shower of sparks down on the passengers.
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On a peaceful night, a family gathers in the backyard watching TV when grandma sits on a swing chair. Out of nowhere, she loses balance and falls backward, hitting the ground hard.
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A man at the gym finds a creative way to train his shoulders by performing Michael Jackson’s signature moonwalk while lifting weights.
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A clever dog takes full advantage of an open cabinet door and an empty kitchen. Despite the family’s effort to keep food out of reach, the sneaky pup manages to grab an entire bag of bread, proving once again that no snack is safe!
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A cheerful little girl is having the time of her life while inside a pair of oversized adult pants.
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A man at the gym surprises both a woman and an instructor by performing exercises in the most unconventional and incorrect way possible, leaving them in disbelief.
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A boy and a black dog in a living room hit a pink balloon in the air to try and keep it up as long as possible. The boy laughs playing the game as a girl walk in behind him.
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A little boy dressed as The Incredible Hulk while Trick Or Treating for Halloween, runs down a sidewalk to show his grandfather a lollipop, babbling funny noises as he does and falls hard on the ground. The man asks, "Are you OK?"
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A stray cow runs in a noodle shop, scaring the shop owners and customers. Fortunately it turned back quickly and did not cause any damage.
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A little boy has fun playing with his great-great-grandmother’s double chin during a family visit on Thanksgiving at her nursing home.
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A small white dog named Mr. Wilson sits on a chair, having gotten into a woman's collection of wigs and thrown them on the floor. A black wig is sitting on the floor as the dog looks up from the chair, next to a purple wig. The woman says, "OK, so Mr. Wilson is running back and forth and look at what he got in his next? Wigs. He got caught red handed. He got my wigs!"
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A determined 4-month-old puppy tries to jump over the house fence to get back to the kitchen. He makes it over but lands clumsily on the ground. Despite the rough landing, he remains excited and full of energy.
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A boy jumps on his sled and sleds down a snowy hill before wiping out and tumbling down the hill. He stands up and takes off his winter hat.
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A sweet moment turns into a funny mishap as grandpa proudly carries the birthday cake for his grandson, singing "Happy Birthday" with joy. But just as he walks, the cake suddenly slips off the tray, cutting the video short before the inevitable disaster...
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