Jamaican Trickster Crash_FL14

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 3602

Video Description:
Outside during the day on a rural road with a green field and trees in the background possibly in a foreign country, guys are doing tricks and stunts on motorcycles and dirt bikes. A red or maroon pickup truck drives away as a guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt with jean pants rides towards the shooter leaning back with is legs draped or hanging over the handlebars. Showing off, he loses his balance and falls sideways crashing the bike. He lands on his feet then rolls in the street as they all laugh.

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Cook Accidentally Drops Cigarette In Food_B2

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 3392

Video Description:
Smoking on the job results in unexpected ingredient for cook's special recipe. Fired after management discovered footage.

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100MPH Milkshake 

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 4825

Video Description:
This was done as a school project by Sam Reynard who attended Brooks Institute of Film at the time. We were in Oxnard, CA living together and the idea came up; so we filmed it in one take. Sam edited it in about 4 hours and ultimately never used it for his class project so we put it on YouTube and it took off.

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Driver rams into motorcyclist on highway

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 4500

Video Description:
Dashcam footage of a motorcyclist with a passenger on the back. The driver rams into the motorcyclist as it tries to pass them on the highway.

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Epic Fail Cooking BBQ Chicken

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 4289

Video Description:
A group of men attempt to cook a whole chicken the old fashioned way. They cover the meat in a metal drum and start a fire around it. The men hope that the heat of the fire will act like a stove and cook the meat from the inside. Their plan fails miserably however and their chicken dinner is transformed into a burnt crisp.

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Propeller Assist Epic Fail

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 4299

Video Description:
Copilot tries to help a pilot start their plane by manually spinning the front propellers. The pilot however is thrown of balance as one of the propellers hits the back of his head.

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Guy's Wasabi Challenge

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 4303

Video Description:
Man in a sushi restaurant eats a huge ball of wasabi as a stunt then reacts.

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Girl Dancing Twerk Fail

Original Upload Date: 2018-07-18
Reference number: 5946

Video Description:
Two girls, one in a pink top with black shorts and the other in all black, are standing up in a closet with a wall peg rack that holds coats, and shaking their booties and twerking. The girl in all black goes a little too hard and yanks the wooden rack off the wall, then falls down off the platform she was standing on. The girl in pink catches the fallen peg board and tries to put it back up as the other girl is still on the ground. There is a blue beer can on the counter top and attached to the closet or organizer are several boxes used as cubbies.

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