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Pet owner spoon feeds her bear and it kisses her.
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Bear was filmed eating sour cream outdoors while standing on 2 hind legs.
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A guy in a red shirt starts screaming and swearing, throws away some stuff and even jumps on the counter at Dunkin Donuts!
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Washington, D.C. Dressed up businessman gets caught in the act of digging for gold and tasting his treasures while riding the subway.
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A dog licks its owner's ice cream right off the cone. The ice cream falls off and out of the frame.
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A guy from the second story of a university building shots a basketball from the window, it rickshaws the roof several times and finally lands perfectly in the loop. An entire fraternity of guys witness this event and cheer.
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"Jesper Levin slings hotdogs from a street stand in Stockholm. But these aren’t your regular hotdogs. His “Harakiri Korven Helldogs” are reputed to be the hottest in the world. In fact Jespers dogs are so hot, he wears a gas-mask when grilling them. His hottest dog is named after a ritual suicide called hara-kiri, which was performed by Japanese samurai in the 12th century. Rather than being captured by the enemy a samurai would use a short blade to slice across his abdomen, then proceed to disembowel himself. A fitting name for the super hot dogs. If you can finish one of Jespers harakiri dogs you’ll win a T-shirt that boasts about your achievement. But there are a few rules. To complete the harakiri challenge, you must do more than just eat the hotdog. You only have 5 minutes to eat the entire thing and all of the sauce. During that time you can’t set it down or have anything to drink either. These rules are what caused the dispute between Jesper and a drunk guy who attempted, and failed the challenge. In the video you can see them arguing in Swedish about the rules. Then the drunk guy leans over the sneeze-guard and attempts to spit the remaining harakiri on Jespers grill. That’s when he catches a straight jab to the forehead from the much bigger man." Story credit:
October 18, 2016 by Brian Klein
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Matthews, NC. Young man records his backflips through a Krispy Kreme and ends up hitting a sign.
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Australia. This health conscious puppy displays his love of broccoli with a mouthful of the green vegetable.
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Man rolling out porota bread throws it across a restaurant to the cook who catches it and puts it on the stove.
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Grandma gathers ducks around a food bowl.
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While going around a corner a semi truck miss judged how much room he had. he accidentally clips a Honda civic with his bumper and drags it down the street.
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Woman on a train is acting erratically in her seat, struggling with her necklace.
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Fast food worker at a Sonic restaurant delivering food to cars on rollerskates, falls carrying a full tray of food., Captured from a helmet camera.
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Men moving a fridge up some stairs people tumble over. Contents spill out and we hear a cacophony of broken parts.
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